today is my birthday.
ive been having a hard time with it for some reason....27....i dunno something about that number just makes me wanna buy houses and have a wedding but maybe thats cause what all my friends are doing.
im not gonna lie ive had a breakdown or two about this....this number...this beyond 25 number...
but that all changed today when a very good friend of mine emailed me a birthday greeting....nothing fancy, no famous quotes just pure and honest truth.
For your 27th year i think you should
Take 27 days of holidays
Buy yourself 27 new shoes/clothing
Try 27 new foods
Drink 27 new drinks doesnt have to have liqour in it.
Do 27 jumping jacks a day.
Count 27 things a day. ex cars, birds people, such and such.
Laugh 27 times harder at yourself.
Save 27$ a month.
Paint your toes 27 different colors this year.
Fall in love 27 times with anything and everything. Yourself, boys cars, shoes.
and... Have 27 times more fun then you did last year.
this will be come my mantra for the year....maybe i won't do everything in the list but i will damm well going to try and blog it all as best i here is to 27 !!!! (its just a number after all)