i am very proud of myself for my actions this past weekend. i went out with a few friends on saturday night and got drunk to just let go of all the stress in my life as of late and being hit on and thus making out with this guy. we danced and whatever hung out all night and then at the end of the night i left with him...now you are probally wondering whats the difference between this any other time she has left with a guy well let me tell you...we get to his place and are making out on his bed and it was like a light went off and i realized that i could either stay and follow through with what we all know was gonna happen or i could remove myself and walk away from yet another mistake so thats what i did...i said i need to leave so he called me a cab and i went home and woke up feeling like crap (cuz of drinking so much) but mentally and emotionally i felt pretty damm good.
i did think of calling H or JD but i didnt so i feel pretty good about where im at with all this, now this is just one time in a long line of mistakes but at least its a start and the truth will be seen if i go out and drink and whatever again and remove myself which im pretty sure i will do cause once i make my mind up about something there is no talking me out of it.
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