I had the best weekend ever!!!
bout a month ago Kory came to visit me and we go to talking bout going sledding together, he said we should and that he would find me a sled to drive....so couple of weeks ago I was talking to him on the phone and said I wanted to hang out with him before he went on his trip(costa rica for a week, lucky duck) so he suggested I come out sledding with him and a few friends this past weekend.
I went to his farm Friday night and we just hung out and talked and watched Wayne’s World (I had never seen it and he couldn’t believe that). We got up early on Saturday and go all loaded up and headed to Jamie’s place outside of PA.
By the time we go it all together and people made it over it was about noon so we headed out...I was beyond nervous!!! but I have to say that for being sledding the first time in 10 years I did pretty good, I only kind of crashed into one little tree/bush (the snow was soft and I didn’t quite put all my weight to the one side and got a little stuck then i tried to get out and hit the tree, Kory came to save me and told me that was awesome haha)
Anyway we went to a nearby town for drinks and Chinese food and then back to Jamie’s. that night we went to a house party and Kory got drunker than I’ve ever seen him, mind you I drank a 26 of spiced rum to myself hahaha so I was in pretty fine form too hahaha however that night I kinda got some words form Lindsay (she is Jamie's gf and has know Kory for a long time) not thing bad just kinda giving me advice but more on that later.so after the party we went to stay at Lindsay’s parents place and I went straight to bed and while a few of them stayed up to have drinks, now the only reason I mention this is cause I woke up probably about a couple hours later to Kory cuddling me, which I thought was super sweet and its such a nice thing to feel cause I would have just expected him to crash on the couch or something....it was just nice and it makes me think that he feels more for me that what he lets on.....
we woke up Sunday am feeling pretty shitty but it was a beautiful day so instead of wasting it on the couch we drank some paralyzes and got loaded up to go sledding again. it was soooo much fun, we went faster and through more snow and even got lost hahaha but I’m soooo proud of myself for not getting stuck once and keeping up with them, Kory even said that night he was worried before but noticed that I went a lot faster on Sunday, so that makes me happy cause it shows him that I can hold my own on the sled.
we ended up at his buddies’ house for a lot of beer and rockband so while the boys were all playing rockband downstairs Lindsay took me upstairs and gave me some words of advice about Kory. she asked what the deal was and I said we were just good buddies so we talked about new years (not going to get into it but it wasn’t a good situation between me and Kory) anyway she told him that if he thinks something could happen between us fix the damage that had been done and if not then cut the ties so that makes me happy that he did fix it. she also told me to never text/call first and to make him think he is the farthest thing from my mind, she said if I do that then she promises he will come to me, she also mentioned don’t be needy and expect flowers or I love you calls/texts cause I guess his ex was really needy and to be honest I don’t care if he wants to go sledding with the boys or whatever and as far as the flowers go, whatever they die hahaha I get the feeling he would be a lot like my dad is as far as showing emotions would go I mean he is more likely to fill my car with gas than say I love you so I think Kory would be the same way.
So that’s that...we are friends with the occasional benefit thrown in but I’m not worried, whatever happens, happens.
You are where you are because that’s where you are meant to be