February 28, 2011

BRAAAP !!!!!

My week at the lake was….. wait for it …. AWESOME!!!!
I worked 12 hrs a day (totally didn’t feel like it at the time), did a lot of drinking and kissed a boy and put the whole issue with Kory to bed for good (I hope so at least)
On that note, here’s how it all went down….Sunday I called and Kory to come for wings Tuesday and he was back and forth about it so whatever long story short he didn’t come , he rolled in Saturday am at like 930am with Tornado da Slednecks (what I’m calling him and his crew from now on)
anyway he rolled in probably still drunk from the night before and not two words to me oh wait that’s a lie he asked me for a drink but called me by the nickname Kevin gave me and I said he can have whatever he wants as long as he never calls me by that name again so fine they all had drinks and bfast and away they went. 
I should probably mention he came in with a guy aka Cody who is super cute and has a big truck and a very cool, very fast sled ( found that out later on in the day) so me and this guy start flirting pretty good at 9am hahaha
I go through my day pretty good, we were quite busy because of the rally that was happening but all in all pretty good day (I was very hung-over from the night before) so before I know it Tornado da Slednecks roll in again for drinks and food. Again me and Cody start flirting pretty good so he invites me to come with them and I decline cause I’m working….. Goose said that we should all start drinking so that when they come back we can be on sort of the same level as them cuz if you aren’t they just piss you off hahaha I also showered before they all rolled back in about an hour and half later, this time I come into the bar from the restaurant and Kory and crew are on one side of the bar and Cody is behind the bar attempting to make drinks hahaha so I ask them what’s happening and Kory pipes up we came back to see you with his stupid little grin and that laugh that gets me every time (Cody is still behind the bar with me at this point) I get them all drinks and shots however whilst I’m making these Cody picks me up and ya just holds me in his arms for a minute or two and puts me back down hahahaha it was crazy. Goose told me later that Kory was shooting Cody dirty looks the whole time cuz he did it more than once and really Kory needs to calm down, I realize they are kind of buddies or know each other at least but you don’t want a relationship so I’m gonna be single and do what I wanna do and makes me happy so whatever I kinda stopped working once they all rolled back in cuz I wanted to drink (which I did a lot of ) and go for a ride on a couple sleds (which I did twice hahaha)
So to make a long, fuzzy story short I stayed overnight in the cabin with Cody and woke up in the am to leave only to meet Kory in the living room cause he slept on the couch and ya so I’m pretty sure he knew what happened between me and Cody cause they all came to the restaurant for bfast about 10 min after I got there and Kory wouldn’t even look at me.
And you know what…? I don’t feel bad….I mean maybe a little cause we were supposed to go sledding this weekend but whatever its not my fault its his and shit happens hahaha
OMG I totally forgot to mention what pissed me off about me in the first place….he told me that he left his phone in Calgary when he went to Costa Rica but when he came in for bfast Saturday am he had it with him so why lie about something so stupid also I found him on the same online dating site I am on I mean you say you don’t want a relationship but are on that site, doesn’t really make sense to me ???? So whatever, I don’t care, I’m better than that, it’s not ok the way he treats me and I won’t stand for it.
PS – Goose said she was gonna give Cody my number and I had a missed call from an unknown number last night so if it was him , hopefully he will call again…I kinda like him and think he would be lots of fun hahaha so we will see

February 21, 2011

hangovers and shoes VS babies and mortages

so about a week agao i found out another friend of mine is with child so it got me wondering about my life and what i want.

i alot of friends who are walking down the asile, making babies or buying houses and making homes and im getting waster on jager and trying to afford a trip to vegas in the spring.

do i feel like im missing out because im not doing the above things? not at all

do i really want to ? meh i could take it or leave it

i had a sicussion with a friend a few weeks ago and i said to her if i was with a guy who said i never want to get married but i will be 110% committed to you then i would be totally ok with that....i dont need a big huge wedding and im not dead set on having kids.

i dunno maybe im questioning this all cause i havent talked to Kory since vday...wait thats a lie i talked to him last night for like 3 min .... fuck its so weird with us cause we will either talk for 45 min and i feel like no time has gone by or we will talk for 5 min and its like pulling teeth to get a conversation out of him .... its just fustrating and i guess i shouldnt complain cuz we are just friends but considering i havent talk to you in like a month and hes been to costa rica and back .... i dunno its fucking weird and ive been giving him distance and not texting or calling like LW said i shouldnt but then again i was doing alright before she said all that so i dunno....

but im at the lake for a week, working/drinking/sledding/ice fishing so im happy to be where i can breathe and where people care about me :)

till next time i will leave you with this little nugget of wisdom.....i dont get drunk i get awesome

February 16, 2011


I've been really debating on whether to comment on vday or not.
I think David from The Rest is Still Unwritten said it best "Stop pushing love. Stop pushing hate. Stop the parade. Stop the pity. Just stop."

I dislike Valentine’s Day and it’s not just because I’m single. I have spent this day alone and in a couple. I fully with my whole heart believe that you shouldn’t have all this pressure to have a big grand gesture of I love you on one day. Why can’t you say it everyday or get/send flowers on a random Tuesday when you feel your world is going to hell in a hand basket. Wouldn’t that mean so much more?

That being said, I did have a pretty good Vday….i got a several very yummy chocolate cupcakes with ooy gooey icing and gummy hearts from several students, I went home after work and ate leftover pizza with ice cream cake and then talked to Kory on fbook (he is safe at home from a recent trip to Costa Rica, lucky bastard...)

This week is going very fast, im going dancing with Goose and Janice tomorrow night to the “twig” (no drinking for this girl, my bank account took a big hit this past week with the bday celebrations) and then off to the lake/home for a week !!!!
I could not be more excited to get out of the city and be where I can breathe !!! best of all me and Kory are going for wings on the Tuesday !!! yipeee !!!

February 03, 2011

Ever wonder....

ever wonder....
why people ask "how's it going?"

i dont think they do it cause they really care, they ask cause its small talk.....

what would they do if you really told them???

something to ponder on a thursday.....