August 08, 2017


I know I said I was only going to use this blog for beautiful things and makeup and nothing personal well there is nothing beautiful about my life lately . I know that's depressive but its a crappy day and I am in bad fucking mood. 

My job has gone to shit - not literally but well its really hard to get through the day when your boss has taken every aspect of your job and gave it to two different people. I mean it is 2:53 pm on a Tuesday after a long weekend and before all this shit went down I would have been super busy but NOPE not anymore and why ? who the fuck knows.

I have feeling that someone people want to get rid of me but since I've been here so long they can't so they just keep taking things away untill I get fed up and frustrated and quit then they don't have to do it.

I have put out multiple resumes today and have an interview tomorrow am so fingers crossed something positive comes out of it all. I can't leave for less money but I just don't know how much longer I can live like this, doing nothing for 8 hours a day and not speaking to anyone I work with is really starting to take its toll on me.

I just feel so angry and hurt and disappointed in the whole situation. I mean have I wasted the last years here ; I have tried to fight so hard to be taken seriously and respected and its now all for nothing because no matter what I do or what I don't do , the industry I am in will always be considered and old boys club .....

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