Wow a lot has happened since I wrote last well it really all happened in one night but it was sooo much that it seems as though it should have been spread over a couple days…me and B went to Sugarland Friday night, it was a great show and yes I did text/see from afar C but that’s all there was to that or so I thought…after the concert we hoped into a limo with some random guys from Lloyd and off to the branch we went…we got there and that’s when the true gong show started…I should have quite drinking as soon as we got there cause I started at 430 without having any supper but me being me keep on keeping on….we danced, I drunk texted C from the bar asking if I could come over after the bar, we ran into M, C’s really good friend and he mentioned that C told him we broke up so that’s when the end started…feeling all defeated I headed to the bar to get more shots and somewhere along the way I lost B so I did shots alone and then managed to find B again and she is waiting with more shots with some guy so down these shots went and then being totally unaware of the huge line to the girls bathroom and for the record I didn’t get sick I just needed a moment…well I come out and B asks me if I got sick and then all a sudden there these three bouncers surrounding me...they told me that two girls told them I got sick (by the way what are we in elementary school I mean who tells on someone like that) anyway being a former bartender I’m not gonna fight them on them kicking me out so I took off for the coat check by the time I got there (its like 4 feet from where I was standing) I had tears streaming down my face (not cause I got kicked out but just cause I was that drunk and saw curt at the concert) so this bouncer who is standing with me at the coat check is all like lets go outside and “talk” (I think he felt bad cause I was crying and he thought he was the one causing it) me and him go outside and talk (I tried to explain that it was a whole other issue as to why I was crying) and whatever I dunno what happened but I end up flirting with him, making out with me and then giving him my number
Yesterday I was on facebook and I decided to put another nail in the coffin and creep and I found him so I messaged him to ask him if he wanted to get a beer sometime (this was around like 2pm) I check my facebook a few hours later to see if he messaged me back which he didnt but he requested me to a friend on facebook and I accepted which I think is rude cause he clearly read the message in order to even add me
Whatever you gotta through yourself out there in order to ever get anything and so much for my motto of needing to feel strong in order to be strong…I mean I cant do anything but laugh cause its just so silly that I would now have a crush on the guy who kicked me out…only me….
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