May 05, 2009

Scrapping Night

well tomorrow i am hosting my first ever scrapping night. when me and my ex-bf broke up i lost my scrapping partner which was his mom, she really got me into it and i love it but i need someone else to share it with. so i put an ad out on Kijji looking for 4-5 local ladies to scrap with every second week and i got more than enough interest but because i live in a condo i could only say yes to the first 4 that answered and they all sound really excited about it so i'm really excited to host but also very nervous. what if they dont like me ? what if .... i dunno i think its cuz i've never done anything like this before and i'm really ready to start scrapping again after a month of letting my heart heal.

which brings me to my next point (not scrapping related) i met a guy last weekend at the bar and we hit it off really well and he gave me his number and we have hung out once since we met but i texted him the other day to see if he wanted to do something this week and i kinda get the feeling like he blew me off, i mean he works all the time, he comes home at like 1030 at night and i think that he thinks i want more from the relationship than i really do but after he said he wasnt sure if he wanted to see me this week i dunno what to do, i would like to clairify to him that all i am looking for is a good time (dont get the wrong idea now) and nothing more....i mean i just got out of a 3 year realtionship and i am leaving the city in 6 weeks for the summer and who knows what could happen over the summer....i'm just confuzed. my BFF told me to text him tonight but i'm being stubborn maybe i will tomarrow and get together before i leave for the weekend and if not then i will chalk it up to "he's just not that into me"

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