May 26, 2009

My own backyard

Lately I have been taking walks around my neighborhood mainly cause its really nice out and I don’t wanna be stuck inside all evening but also because I was going to join the gym but why pay to walk on the treadmill when I can walk around outside in the beautiful weather.

My condo is on the edge of a golf course, now before you go getting all jealous it’s not as fancy as it sounds. I live on a crescent and there are like 12 buildings with apartments and condos in them and the end of the all the parking lots to the east is golf course. Then a few blocks down from my crescent is a civic center with a pool and a library and all that.
I put on my ipod and get dressed up with my runners and sunglasses and off I go. I have started going around 8 pm because it’s still sunny out and usually there are people out and about walking/running/biking/doing various other outdoor activities.

Yesterday I took my camera with me, thinking I could capture some really great images and I did but I was also a bit of a dork lol I took a few self portraits mainly for f-book but also to my in my scrapping album cause with no bf and all my friends out of town for the summer or planning weddings I need something a little more to concentrate on in that area but that’s an issue for another blog.
I will try and post pics from yesterday as soon as I can but with no computer in the house right now it might be kind of hard. B moved out for the summer/fall and took her comp with her so no more creeping on f-book and it will even get hard next week cause I wont be at the same job everyday like I have been for the last 3 weeks.

Speaking of work, I’m really sad to leave here. I feel like I have made some real connections here and am really sad to have to walk away from it. I think that’s the worst thing about being a sub, you go into these schools for a couple days or weeks and make these connections and then its all gone one day. I have gotten used to the joking around with the period prep teachers on the morning coffee break. They just make me laugh and smile even on the bad days.

I guess that’s life, if I’m meant to be somewhere then that’s where I will end up. I believe this is true for anything and everything that is happening in my life right now.

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