well he has a new car and a new gf....after 2 weeks of being single they started "hanging out" he met her through a girl that he works with and she works where he works so all the bs about no one else or the possiblity of anyone else was just that bs..i mean at least after 3 yrs together have some fucking respect to tell me goddam truth yes it would have hurt more in the begining but at least it would have been fucking honest its nice to know that after 3 yrs he can just turn off all those feelings....what it ever real ? did he ever really love me ? or was it all a lie and ive just been fooling myself ?....and you know what i'm not moving out of the city ive lost so much in the last month that he dosent get to take that from me as well
i always thought i would be one to move on quicker at least now i know what kind of person he really is and yes it is for the best that it ended..... did i really wanna deal with that bullshit for the rest of my life.... let him control her like he did me and maybe once that goes to shit he will realize that the girls dont need to change he doese....he has no fucking clue how to be in a realtionship or in a break-up for that matter...i mean he keeps trying to be friends...how can i be friends with a snake like that? how can he sit there an lie and still want something for me? its just a big fucking waste of time...
my friends and family have been telling since it ended that we were never right for each other...why not tell me 2 yrs ago yes it would have hurt and maybe i wouldn't have listened but at least the seed would have been planted....
after all this bullshit i have no respect left for him....there is nothing left
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