May 14, 2009

Random Ramblings

It’s the 14th of May and it is snowing here in my fair city. You know I used to have hope that summer would come but today my hope has blown away like the snow blowing around outside. This is how crazy the weather is in the place in which I live; yesterday morning it was snowing (melting as it hit the ground but snowing none the less) and when I left work at 4 pm it was +18 according the temp in my car. I mean we always say that if you don’t like the weather here wait 5 minutes and it will change.

I bought 5 swimsuits since Christmas and if I wear one by the time we come back to school in the fall it will be a miracle at this point but at least I have them when we go on our trip in January…10 days to either Mexico or the Dominican!!! Mom hasn’t booked it yet because she is all freaking out about the flu thing going around but whatever we aren’t going till January so it might all blow over so I told her that the only reason I really want to go to Mexico is to see the ruins. I know what you are thinking why walk around in the jungle when you can lay on the beach and drink and check out hot guys well I think that if you are there you should see all that you can see because you could leave this world tomorrow and I don’t want to have any regrets. Don’t get me wrong I will spend plenty of time drinking on the beach but that is just something I want to do.

Speaking of regrets, I have told all my friends about my stupid ex and his behavior surrounding the end of our 3 year relationship and they all can’t believe it!! Although I do have one bit of crazy info to share but first I should give some back story….ok TL and CS have been friends since they were in kindergarten and me and TL and CS hung out a lot when me and CS were together so I got to be really great friends with TL’s sister JL and we are still good friends after all the bullshit. So we had drinks the other night and she told me that CS got really drunk one night shortly after our break-up and accused TL of hooking up with me while we were dating. Even as I’m typing this I can’t believe he would go there I mean he must have been wasted for that thought to even cross his mind! I guess TL was just livid for CS to even think of accusing him of that…where is the trust??? Did he not trust TL or even me for that matter??? it makes me wonder though for him to even ask that drunk, was he thinking it for awhile because in all honesty me and TL have more in common in terms of goals for the future than me and CS ever did.

One more bit of random news before I sign off for the day…I have been subbing in this school for the last couple days and today I found out that the lady I am in for isn’t coming back till the 1st of June which means I get 2 more full weeks of work!! Then only two weeks of running around to different schools till summer break!!!

This was a long blog and thanks for reading (to whoever does)

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