March 02, 2011

Dear men of the world....

before i post i would just like to stay that i found a blog called Back to the BasicK.....its AMAZING !!! she as a shitload of awesome photo/quotes/posts....seriously check her out !

Dear men of the world,
[and yes, i realize how gender specific this post is]
Be good to women. and if you have one woman in your life.... that you care about. like for even better to her.

Tell her shes beautiful. tell her she is good. tell her how she is your sanity. your muse. communicate. text message. call. write a letter. send an email. a momento. a song.

And when she is with you. hold her hand. touch her knee. look at her kinda creepy sometimes, because you know what? you could die tomorrow…and god damnit you would want to remember that face. right? and those eyes. kiss her in public. don't cling but be there. touch the small of her back. smile from across the room. make love to her. make her feel sexy. desired. FUCK her.

And when you are not together. make time to not be together. together.
Be honest. don't half ass anything. anything. don't nitpick. don't tease out of spite. don't be silent either. understand that certain things hit home more than others. know that she is product of her past. just as you are.

And be real. and not just when your drunk. spill your guts. what does it feel like to be you? how would i ever know unless you tell her?
Bring her flowers. come over to her place. pay for her shitty beer. make her feel good about where she is at. and who she is with. and about her hair. let her have her space, but ask to invade it. and don't rule anything out, because if you really care about a woman. you will go the extra mile. you will go out of your comfort zone. to slay a fuckin dragon. or to even just kill a spider. and roll up your sleeves. and lay down your coat. or even just sleep in her bed, for one night.

Be a man. man up. put on your fuckin armor and then take it off when you get to her. and the time comes. to be humble and noble. and pure.

Because you know what? some other man else will eventually go that extra mile. slay a dragon or two. and take the extra step. and say fuck it to the man comfort zone. to get to her. and you will lose.
And one day. in the mail. you will get a letter from her lover, boyfriend, husband or lie partner and it will read: “thank you for not doing x,y, and z, because she is the amazing and she is my world”.
Yeah. Thatt.
One woman of the world

1 comment:

Organic Meatbag said...

I have to say this: Very well written and thought provoking...