March 19, 2011

one before the one

ive been thinking lately bout "the one" and if there really is that one person who make you better person in every way possible' mentally, physically, emotionally. now i havent found my "one" or have really even decided if there is just one but what i have noticed is that im tending to be the one before the one ala good luck chuck (mmm dane cook)

what do i mean by this you may ask well lets look back .... by the way its not by chance that im posting this on the 2 year aniversary of THE END because when something you thought was so sure comes to a halt and shakes you to your core, you really take stock and do a total 360 of your life and your belief system and i think there needs to be a certian level of respect paid to what was, what is and what will be...
now back to the one before the one...after THE END the ex took up with a girl (who shall never be mentioned even though i know her name and may or may not have facebook stalked here like once or twice or five times) they are still together and by the buzz from mutal friends all signs point to the alter anyway so fine the ex of 2 years moving on not such a big deal untill i hear from another mutal friend about K, apprently he met some chick and is head over heels for her even going so far as to change his facebook pic and realtionship status (something he never did with me) (i creeped and its at the end of this post...i will wait as you scoll down to look ... jepordy music as you find your spot again.....pretty weird right ????) as well as also taking himself off a well known dating website (again something he never did with me)
this whole charade brings up questions in my head...why not me? why wasnt i wasnt i the one who inspired all these changes? i know i cant change what happened between us and i just have to accept the reality as it is but really !? like c'mon !! it does give me some small piece of mind/victory knowing that people like him will never truly change and its only a matter of time before he cheats on her (which will happen at CCJ) or spends all her money (which will happen this summer cuz shes a teacher, not in my system i already checked on that too) and im happy knowing that it wont be me that has to deal with all that heartbreak/bullshit all over again that being said it dose sting a little knowing he apprently stupidly happy with her...

so there you have it 2 for 2 and just wait im 90% sure in a couple months i will write a follow post anncoucing that KE has found someone new now that hes online dating only a few short weeks after he told me that he didnt want a realtionship...check that he just didnt want one with me....

im not sad today but like i said i just feel that today attention should be paid to what was, what is and what will be....

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