I believe I’m a relatively sane person (maybe not the best way to start a blog post) I mean that when it comes to guys, 90% of the time I’m not the crazy chick that guys seem to think most girls are; however this all goes out the window when I met a new guy that I like.
Let me explain…..once I find out their last name I take creeping online to a whole level (according to my friends anyway) I Google them…I Bing them…I facebook them…I even Google map them (which I recently found out I can get like a real life pic of their house (if I know their address, can we say stalker))….90% of the time nothing comes up except their facebook profile and at which time I look through every picture/mutual friend/hot guy they are friends with in pics….its really sad sometimes, I mean I waste at least a minimum of 2 hrs doing this….My point is that I did this to Cody and it gave me the page of the phonebook where his name/address/phone number is listed……I’m all for
This is just the reason I don’t put my full name on the internet, mind you I don’t really have anything to hid other than my blog(s) and my online dating profile (which is not going as well as I hoped) speaking of which I found out KE is on the same site and when I log out each day(cause I check it like a crazy person) I check his profile to see when he was last online….I’m moving on but still it makes me sad but then I stop being sad and be awesome instead !!!
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