September 20, 2009

midnight musings

i'm staying at SM's house tonight cuz her man is gone to a party and she dosent like to stay alone so i'm babysitting so to speak but it has been fun, we are just getting read for bed so i thought i would stop and update ya'll on whats been going on in the last couple days.

last night JD texted me for a couple hours, just basic what are you up to bullshit and i am sorry to say but i did answer him back mainly one word answers but even still and so tonight again the what are u up to texts started around 1130 so i know he's drinking but this is bullshit, we agreed to be friends so just leave it at that, i dont text my friends at random hours on the weekend, i talk to them durning normal hours and durning the week and so as much as he thinks last weekend was a mistake i think he's keeping my on the backburner for something else but whatever its all or nothing with him and i'm staying strong on that one.

i havent heard from D since our date, well thats a lie (i dont know why i just did that) he texted me fri afternoon and again tonight but i dont think i'm that into to him. i dunno i think i need a break from it all cause the best things happen when your not looking right??? whatever i mean i feel a little bad but thats just how i feel.

so on to something that isnt related to guys and all the bullshit that comes with that...i messed up my shoulder, i went for a massage today cause the pain kept me up all last night and the girl who did my massage said that all the sitting at this new job and whatever could have caused it so now here i sit with an ice pack on my shoulder and i can already feel that its gonna be sore tomorrow.

well thats all i got for you for now...i'm off to bed so till next time....

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