needless to say i was very upset and even thought about calling my ex for help (i didnt) anyway after about 30 calls to my mom,friends letting them know i was gonna be late and my boss telling him i wasnt gonna be in tomorrow... i sucked it up and called a tow truck and decided to deal with it in the am.
i really believe someone upstairs loves me because we made it to the concert with time to spare before Lady A opened up the show.
they were amazing !!! i was so excited to see them and am happy they lived up to my expectations and its a good thing we listend to their cd all week in the office cause i knew like all the songs. they have this really great song called "long gone" and OMG its totally my new fave song.
so now on to KEITH URBAN...he opened the show with "hit the ground runnin" which is my fave song by him at the moment and thats exactly what he did. the energy of the show was amazing !!! you can really tell that he loves his fans and appreciates that they pay these crazy ticket prices and come out to the show, he even mentioned it. anyway the two best parts of the night was
1. a little bit into the show he made his way down our side of the arena and we took some amazing pics and i touched his shoulder !!!
2. with only a few songs left in the show, he came up the stairs by our seats and performed on a lil stage 3 or 4 rows above where we sat !!!!
after the show me and JL ran into KS (who was a pretty nice guy considering all the bullshit) in the parking lot and headed to the "Twig" and drank some bud light lime and danced the night away. the next day i sat at the garage where my car was being fixed from 10am to 4pm, while they figured out what was wrong with my car (turned out to the fuel pump) and fixed my car. so after a very long and tiring day of sitting, i paid my $836 and was on my way back home.
so now i'm back at work and back in RTown and super sleepy, sore and broke today but as far as im concered it was a great night and totally worth it.

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