so today i get a text from D at like 1130am asking me my name and how i know R so i answer but dont take it any farther than that.
now i would just like to throw it out there .... is this kinda weird ??? my dad's friend setting me up on a date with someone ??? i dunno i just find it a little odd , i mean i'm totally going whats the worst that could happen right ??? however i might have to cancel if Brandy and Erin dont quit being lame cuz ive had a shitty fucking year and i need to ring the new one in right with a lot of rye and coke and my two best buddies.
i will let you know how it all goes if it all goes but i must say this might be the last post of the year and the last one till i come back from MEXICO bitches !!! (sorry always wanted to say that hahaha) so