December 19, 2008

Last one....

so i was poking around on the internet and i went to for some inspiration for life in general and scrapbooking and i stumbled across Leo Reynolds...i don't know who he is or what he dose for a living but he is a truly amazing photographer....wonderful and thoughtful pictures...check him out sometime....

December 18, 2008

Holiday Wrap-Up

So it’s been awhile since I’ve written and I think in the past little big since I’ve started this blog basically I have let myself get behind on things happening in my life…it boils down I’m too busy living my life to write it all down; however I do manage to scrapbook most of it and that is why I’m writing today…I love scrapbooking…I do and I have been taking part in some very good discussions and posts on…everyone is so helpful and nice…all brought together by a hobby this is my first one so I never knew how much people come together and are willing to help….

On a more serious note, working in a catholic school since the beginning of November till the end of March has given me the great pleasure of being here through Advent and while we all want and buy and spend $$ through the holidays we tend to forget what Christmas is really about…there is a really great blog out there called Advent Conspiracy…they really bring into a modern light why we celebrate Christmas and they challenge us to remember what the holiday season is about….family, friends, love and just being together….check them out

Till the new year….