June 13, 2013

you know sometimes it amazes me how some people think they are more important than others when time and time again the powers that be tell you that you are both on equal playing feild

how is what you do in a day more important than what i do when we do totally different jobs

i mean how big a deal do you fucking think you are to not have to answer the phones or deal with customers and tell others what to do???!!!

 it just fucking boggles my mind

nevermind the fact that you threw a fit and got a raise and an office upstairs and clearly want to take over every part of my job.....

im begining to wonder if its even worth fighting for........

June 05, 2013

ive been doing alot better lately
maybe its cause i started to get some help

i hate admiting i need help
i always want to take care of it myself
i want to be strong but sometimes its to much and thats when i go see L

im consumed myself with work and ball and all that summer brings

im not perfect, ive made bad choices and some really horrible ones, ones that could affect the lives of many people if the truth ever got out. im not happy about these choices, i wish i could take it back but im ashamed to admit its not the first time ive made that choice

i guess its still a struggle every day and every day is a new battle

"we're all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils"