March 18, 2010

tumblin tears

so im done with mr.joker.

to make a long story short, he said he would come out for st.patty's day and after no answer to my texts, i tried callling only to find out that his phone was off and im done....3 strikes your out

however once i got home from st.pattys day drinking and fueled by too many double captian and cokes i sent him this little message

you know our little date isnt gonna happen on tuesday cause you need to give me a reason to believe anything you say cause im not gonna be a little webcam whore for you, if thats all you want then you need to find another girl to fuck around cause its sure as shit not gonna be me

well if that dosent send a clear message i dont know what will.....and whats the worst that could happen right, like i said he is out of my life just a fast as he came into it and i move on, its really not gonna make things any worse cause im soooooooooooooo done playing these bullshit games.

dont worry.....i'll let you know what happens

1 comment:

Jess said...

You deserve better than that.